9:21 PM |
Author: sukro
In Indonesia, the liberalization of cellular business starts since 1995, when the government began opportunities to the private sector to do business with mobile phone competition full. Can be taken, how the technology GSM (global system for mobile) come and replace the first generation of cellular technology that already entered into previous Indonesia such as NMT (Nordic mobile telephone) and AMPS (advanced mobile phone system).
When in the 1980s, technology, Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) to come to Indonesia, the user of the service technology AMPS (Advanced Mobile Phone System) disappeared. Then, Satelindo appear as the winner, followed by the Telkomsel.
And finally the GSM technology is superior and perkembang vessel in the mushroom musin rain, this is due to network capacity, higher efficiency because of the frequency spectrum
from the NMT and AMPS technology. Now,in the period of almost a decade, was to GSM technology market with the number of customers more than the number of fixed telephone customers.
Now, in the period of almost a decade, was to GSM technology market with the number of customers more than the number of fixed telephone customers. amun, until now cellular phone was still a luxury, not all people can enjoy it. The price is still very high compared with fixed telephone PSTN(public switched telephone network), good communication for both local and SLJJ(directconnection distance), who reached Rp 4,500 per minute flat rate for communications SLJJ. While the introduction of CDMA technology, CDMA has since started three years ago when Komselindo introduce CDMA-One. Only with the development of various reasonsless successful. Currently, PT Telkom re-introduce the CDMA, but not via the "mobile business" directly, but uses a CDMA phone to fix the product trade Telkomflexinamed.
Currently with TelkomFlexi, PT. Telkom offers technology that is better than technology GSM previously and with cheaper prices. Why actual tariffs offered by this technology more affordable because Telkomflexi based on the technology Wirelless Local-Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA-WLL) not only because of the flexibility of a fix phone,but that is the main structure that is much cheaper because they are not charged airtime cost.
Application technology
There are several technology without cable provider for this technology, including CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) , using the technology spreads to-spectrum send out signals that information through a wide bandwidth (1.25MHz). This technology originally created for military purposes, using a unique digital code, better of the channe lor frequency RFAMPS (Advanced Mobile Phone Service) is an analog technology that uses FDMA (Frequency Division Multiple Access) to split the bandwidth available to the radio on Discrete number of channels that remain. With the AMPS,1.25MHz bandwidth provided for the use of the mobile channel is divided into the width 30KHz, each can only Subscribe rserve one at a time. Subscriber access to a single channel then None of the other Subscriber can access the channel until the call growth, a it stops or handed off to another base station. TDMA (Time Division Multiple Data),is a digital technology, as the with a share for spectrum available to a number of channels that remain Discrete, although each channel represents a fixed times lot than the band frequency that remain.Forexample, which is a TDMA technology to GSM, Carriers who length 2300 KHz into the eight time division channels. GSM (global system for mobile) technology is based on TDMA.
UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecomunication Access) is a third generation system developed in Europe. designed so that it can provide a bandwidth of 2 Mbits /s. Services that can be given UMTS should be able to meet user demand wherever located, meaning that UMTS is expected to serve that area as possible, if there are no UMTS cell in a region can be in-route through a satellite.
When in the 1980s, technology, Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) to come to Indonesia, the user of the service technology AMPS (Advanced Mobile Phone System) disappeared. Then, Satelindo appear as the winner, followed by the Telkomsel.
And finally the GSM technology is superior and perkembang vessel in the mushroom musin rain, this is due to network capacity, higher efficiency because of the frequency spectrum
from the NMT and AMPS technology. Now,in the period of almost a decade, was to GSM technology market with the number of customers more than the number of fixed telephone customers.
Now, in the period of almost a decade, was to GSM technology market with the number of customers more than the number of fixed telephone customers. amun, until now cellular phone was still a luxury, not all people can enjoy it. The price is still very high compared with fixed telephone PSTN(public switched telephone network), good communication for both local and SLJJ(directconnection distance), who reached Rp 4,500 per minute flat rate for communications SLJJ. While the introduction of CDMA technology, CDMA has since started three years ago when Komselindo introduce CDMA-One. Only with the development of various reasonsless successful. Currently, PT Telkom re-introduce the CDMA, but not via the "mobile business" directly, but uses a CDMA phone to fix the product trade Telkomflexinamed.
Currently with TelkomFlexi, PT. Telkom offers technology that is better than technology GSM previously and with cheaper prices. Why actual tariffs offered by this technology more affordable because Telkomflexi based on the technology Wirelless Local-Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA-WLL) not only because of the flexibility of a fix phone,but that is the main structure that is much cheaper because they are not charged airtime cost.
Application technology
There are several technology without cable provider for this technology, including CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) , using the technology spreads to-spectrum send out signals that information through a wide bandwidth (1.25MHz). This technology originally created for military purposes, using a unique digital code, better of the channe lor frequency RFAMPS (Advanced Mobile Phone Service) is an analog technology that uses FDMA (Frequency Division Multiple Access) to split the bandwidth available to the radio on Discrete number of channels that remain. With the AMPS,1.25MHz bandwidth provided for the use of the mobile channel is divided into the width 30KHz, each can only Subscribe rserve one at a time. Subscriber access to a single channel then None of the other Subscriber can access the channel until the call growth, a it stops or handed off to another base station. TDMA (Time Division Multiple Data),is a digital technology, as the with a share for spectrum available to a number of channels that remain Discrete, although each channel represents a fixed times lot than the band frequency that remain.Forexample, which is a TDMA technology to GSM, Carriers who length 2300 KHz into the eight time division channels. GSM (global system for mobile) technology is based on TDMA.
UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecomunication Access) is a third generation system developed in Europe. designed so that it can provide a bandwidth of 2 Mbits /s. Services that can be given UMTS should be able to meet user demand wherever located, meaning that UMTS is expected to serve that area as possible, if there are no UMTS cell in a region can be in-route through a satellite.
computer knowledge

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