10:38 PM | Author: sukro
Once the section a role, many stage so that finally a role similar to the more brave or more. How about the Yeyen Lidya? Presenter this section have a role in new film ANDA PUAS SAYA LOYO. Can be ascertained for the next bid will be a lot of flow on the section Yeyen to perform a more brave or more.

Despite not make claim to the role of sections in this new film, have principles Yeyen averse if requested open-opener. Rather than quasi-pious, Yeyen more confident in not (believe self-red) should show if the body beautiful. Section of a defect in the body which makes it feel cheap. “Nggak want (beradegan bed). Since I’m ashamed,” he said
In the film ANDA PUAS SAYA LOYO, Yeyen enact a section called helpmate Inem. Here he akting compete with several other stars such as, KOMENG, Bedu, Andi Soraya and Reuben Onsu
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